


The main goal of IPitup is to make it easier to access physical activity, so that moving becomes a natural part of daily life again. For everyone and throughout life. Close to home, at work, in your neighbourhood and at school.

Figures from the European Commission show that an estimated 1 million people die each year from physical inactivity. We move far too little. This applies to children, adults and the elderly. Research shows that the main reasons are a lack of time and a lack of motivation or interest.

However, the benefits of sufficient physical activity are abundantly clear. Less risk of numerous chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes (40%), cardiovascular diseases (35%), falling, depression and dementia (30%), joint and back pain (25%), breast and colon cancer (20%). Other proven health benefits: better sleep, maintaining of a healthy body weight, less stress, improved quality of life.


IPitup encourages people to move around in the public space in a quick and simple manner.

It is also our ambition to get the population that is currently not moving enough or not moving yet, to be active and to keep them active. In our opinion, the challenge is to link the recommendations from the World Health Organisation to the wishes and needs of this physically less active population and to find a budget-friendly way to get them moving in an easily-accessible and time-efficient way, taking into account their individual capacities and competencies.

The WHO advises a combination of condition, strength and stabilisation training in its physical activity recommendations. In addition, it is recommended to do this at an individually adapted level and intensity and preferably in smaller sections spread over the week.

IPitup wants to translate these physical activity recommendations into daily practice by making people work on a stronger and better balanced body in a challenging, experiential and targeted way, in their own living and working environment.

IPitup believes in integrated local policies that strive for a strong social fabric of physically and mentally healthy citizens. IPitup wants to nudge the population and almost literally boost them up. We promote ways to induce good behaviour unconsciously and experience the healing effect of green exercise in the great outdoors.

We want to create a health and exercise culture based on prevention. After all, every euro invested in prevention can save more than double that.

The IP in IPitup stands for Injury Prevention, Improve Performance, Individualised Programs and Incredible Possibilities.


Our approach is based on evidence-based strategies and practice-based evidence.

To IPitup is moving in a time-efficient way by means of a circuit in which aerobic, conditional aspects are combined with strength and stabilisation exercises, exactly as advised by the WHO (World Health Organisation) in its physical activity recommendations.

According to the literature, the creation of an activity-friendly environment (hardware) only makes sense if the content is adapted(software) and if there is a clear plan to coordinate both (orgware). IPitup therefore focuses on hardware, software AND orgware.

We inspire with products that get your target group moving. We illustrate how custom-made services lead to successful activation. We demonstrate with good practices how you can achieve your most diverse goals. In this way, we occupy an exceptional place within the sports and exercise landscape.

What is good or already works well should not be reinvented. IPitup strongly believes in the quadruple and quintuple helix of city making. Projects only become really successful when there is collaboration. The citizen must be central in the cooperation between government, academia, healthcare and industry. In this way fundamental (behavioural) changes can be brought about that go far beyond what can be achieved separately.


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