
Within the CrossCare project, IPitup wants to focus on prevention for the elderly and allow them to be physically active in their own living environment for longer. After all, people need to move more, both the young and the not so young.

IPitup already has an activity package on the market for energetic adults. By considering their needs and individual limitations, IPitup wants to give the elderly the opportunity to be active. Being active in old age reduces the risk of chronic diseases and falls and also allows them to live longer and comfortably at home. This in turn will reduce the cost of care.

The IPitup activity package consists of three components: the activity bench, the complementary activity app and a coaching and training program. These make it possible to easily apply the physical activity guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) - a combination of fitness, strength and core stabilisation training - in daily life. Since the beginning of 2018, the IPitup activity package has been successfully introduced to numerous local governments, schools and companies with adults and adolescents as end-users. In the CrossCare project, we want to develop, test and implement an adapted activity package in the context of prevention in elderly care. With the support of CrossCare and the cooperation of the different stakeholders, all components of the IPitup package will be adapted so it is user-friendly for the elderly.

The project is implemented in collaboration with the InnovAge living labs in Louvain, LiCalab in Turnhout, Care Innovation Center West-Brabant in Roosendaal and Slimmer Leven [Smarter Living] in Eindhoven. Together with the care living labs, we focus on the world of the elderly and its care processes. In addition to co-creation sessions with end users and care professionals, we will consider the implementation of such an activity package in cooperation with care organisations, local authorities, community work initiatives and activity coaches.

The project is financed via CrossCare by the European Interreg Flanders-Netherlands program ( Interreg Flanders-Netherlands stimulates cross-border projects for smart, green and inclusive growth from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The results of the project will also appear on this page.

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